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Retargeting on Facebook

Reach your lost customers through Facebook retargeting and get more conversions on your website.

With retargeting, you can tailor your advertising to suit the needs of your business and the audience that regularly visits your website.

Increase your chances of sales with retargeting

Very few people buy or convert the first time they visit a website or webshop. For example, the average conversion rate on webshops is just 2 percent.

But even if your visitors don't convert on the first visit, they don't have to be lost. Because with Facebook retargeting, you can reach visitors who have visited your website without making a purchase, filling out a contact form, signing up for your newsletter or completing other types of conversions.

That way, you get one more chance to convert them into paying customers.

But what exactly is retargeting? How does it work? And how do we work with it at Amplify? Read on to find out - or contact Amplify today to learn more about how you can reach your lost customers.

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What is retargeting?

The idea of retargeting is probably best explained with an example from the physical, analog world.

You need a coffee grinder, so you visit your local hardware store. You explore the store's selection of coffee grinders. However, you leave the store without buying a grinder - or anything else for that matter. And you never return to the store again.

So the hardware store has lost a potential customer, just as you have to settle for boring freeze-dried coffee instead of aromatic, freshly ground beans to quench your coffee thirst.

The above scenario is of course common in retail. It would be utopian to think that every customer leaves the store with a full shopping cart.

The same applies online - you can't expect your visitors to add something to their basket just because they visit your webshop. Clicks are by no means equal to conversions.

But luckily, there is a tool to increase your conversion rate: retargeting on Facebook.

Retargeting allows you to remind your potential customers that they have shown interest in your products through advertising on Facebook and Instagram. This way, you can reach an audience that has already shown interest in your business - and perhaps catch them at a point in their buying process where they are more likely to buy your product.

The chance of conversion is much higher when you advertise to an audience that already knows your brand or has shown interest in your product rather than an audience that doesn't know your brand or has visited your website before.

That's why retargeting on Facebook and Instagram is essential if you want to increase your conversion rate - and thus your revenue.

How retargeting works - advertising customized for your business

Retargeting on Facebook works much like remarketing on Google Ads. But whereas in Google Ads it is a cookie that triggers a retargeting ad, on Facebook it is a so-called Facebook pixel that triggers a retargeting ad.

In practice, this is done by installing a Facebook pixel on your website. This pixel then registers all Facebook users who visit the page.

That way you get:

1 ) Demographic data about Facebook users on your website.

2) Ability to build an audience on Facebook based on the conversion events you have set up - for example, all visits, abandoned carts, completed purchases, etc.

That way, you can create specific ads for your target audience based on where they are in the buyer journey.

3 ) Ability to create dynamic ads where Facebook shows specific products or services that your visitors have shown interest in.

For example, if a visitor has looked at a specific shirt in your webshop, you can then organize your advertising so that they see ads for the exact same shirt when they scroll through their social media.

4 ) Insights into the performance of your ads.

You'll be able to see how your ads are performing based on the conversions you have set up on your website.

5) Ability to create look-a-like audiences based on your retargeting data. For example, you can create a new audience that looks like someone who has already purchased a product on your website.

Maj creates content for social media

How we work with retargeting in Amplify

When we use retargeting on Facebook and Instagram, we first look at whether your website generates enough data to run retargeting campaigns. This allows us to assess whether there is a need to expand with a push strategy to increase brand awareness and traffic to the website.

The prerequisite for a successful retargeting strategy is a well-functioning top-funnel strategy that creates sales opportunities and an increased retargeting group.

From here, we analyze the buyer journey and plan the retargeting campaign to ensure they hit the target audience where they are.

This way, we push your target audience further in the buying process to increase your conversion rate.

This ensures you have a profitable retargeting strategy.

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Need advice or want to outsource your social media marketing to a specialist?

At Amplify, we're ready to help you succeed on social media - from Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat.

Does your company think long-term and understand that one-off hourly tasks are not a shortcut to social media success? Then Amplify could be your next social media agency.

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Shall we have a no-obligation conversation?

Retargeting is a puzzle that requires both experience and knowledge of the many possibilities. In other words, don't hesitate to leave your retargeting strategy in the hands of experienced specialists if you want the highest possible ROI - and thus the greatest return on your advertising dollars.

Let our social media manager give your social media marketing a no-obligation health check.

In the analysis, we look at whether you are focusing on the right channels in relation to your target audience, whether your content matches the target audience and many other factors that ultimately influence whether you get the desired results.

Contact us today and let our campaign managers and content creators help you reach your target audience on the right social channels.

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