Get on-page SEO under control

On-page SEO is the work of optimizing the structure and content of your website to make it readable for Google and attract traffic. At Webamp, we offer effective on-page SEO that ensures your website is seen in search results and receives relevant traffic that converts. 

Read on to learn more about the areas of work in on-page SEO.


Holistic search engine optimization

At Webamp, we work holistically and holistically with SEO. This means that we take into account all factors that ensure that your website:

  • Get a good ranking in search results
  • Get relevant traffic
  • Convert traffic into customers.

However, there is no set formula for how to appear in search results and attract visitors to your website. SEO is dynamic and therefore there is no golden recipe.

SEO is a dynamic process that requires constant attention - not least because Google is constantly changing its algorithms. Therefore, the requirements for search engine optimization in 2022 are completely different than in 2010, for example. For the same reason, an SEO subscription with Webamp is not a one-time solution - but a dynamic and proactive collaboration.

On-page SEO - a dynamic process

SEO is a dynamic process that requires constant attention - not least because Google is constantly changing its algorithms. Therefore, the requirements for search engine optimization in 2022 are completely different than in 2010, for example.

However, there are a number of elements we always include in the equation when we do on-page search engine optimization on your website:

  • Internal link building
  • Well-written and unique content relevant to your customers
  • Setting up headlines correctly
  • Add ALT tags to your images
  • SERP optimization
  • Speed optimization
  • Mobile optimization.

Internal link building

Internal link building is an important part of on-page SEO - the links on your website that link to other subpages on your website.

Internal links increase the likelihood that Google understands what your website is about - and this enables you to drive relevant traffic to your subpages. In addition, internal links also improve the user experience for your visitors as they create a "common thread" on your website.

Remember that your anchor texts are of great importance when it comes to internal link building. Make sure to use your keywords rather than writing and creating a "click here" link.

Read more about link building.

Well-written content with relevance

If a website is to be found for certain keywords, the texts on the page must of course contain the words and phrases that the target audience searches for. That's why we always base our on-page SEO in Webamp on thorough SEO analysis. This ensures that the texts always contain carefully selected keywords relevant to the target audience.

But writing search engine friendly texts isn't just about throwing a specific keyword into the text x number of times. It's just as important that the text on your homepage and subpages is target-oriented and well-written. It's no good if your landing pages lack text or if the text contains errors.

Google loves well-written content that is relevant to visitors and therefore rewards websites with good texts with better rankings. This is what's known in the trade as "content marketing". You can read more about this in my colleague's post "Why your business should write blog posts"

Setting up headlines correctly

It's not enough for the text on your website to be relevant and well-written. It also needs to be easy to read and understand. We are incredibly impatient when we use the internet - and the vast majority of people skim rather than read closely when browsing the web.

Make sure that the text on your website is divided into short paragraphs and that each paragraph has the correct headings (also called H-tags).
This ensures that the text is easier to read for your visitors - and helps search engines find their way around your website so that it can receive relevant traffic.

Add ALT tags to your images

Text content is an important part of on-page SEO, but so are relevant images. The fact that there is a connection between content and images gives your SEO an extra push in the right direction.

Unfortunately, Google is not (yet) smart enough to understand what an image represents. That's why we also provide the images on your website with so-called ALT tags so that the search engine understands the context.

SERP - Search Engine Result Page

SERP is an abbreviation for Search Engine Result Page. A SERP on Google is where potential customers can see your website and/or relevant subpages - in other words: the search result.

By default, Google always shows 3 elements in a SERP:

  • Page title (also called title tag, SEO title or meta title)
  • Meta description
  • URL address.

Here it is a great advantage if you incorporate the keywords that you are trying to rank for.

On-page SEO: SERP optimization

Page title

The page title describes your website and tells both Google and potential customers what the page is about. Therefore, it's important that it's short and precise and that it contains the keyword(s) you want to rank for.

Last but not least, there must of course be a connection between the actual content on the landing page and what the page title promises.

The meta description

The meta description is an in-depth description of the content on your landing page that appears below the page title. It should be informative and descriptive so that visitors know what they can expect to read on the page.

URL addresses

The URL is first and foremost the address of a page. But it also serves three other functions.
Firstly, it gives both user and search engine a hint about what the page is about. The URL also plays a minor factor in getting the page to rank. Finally, a well-written URL can work well as anchor text (the clickable text in a hyperlink) when linking externally to your page.

Optimize your SERP with structured data

In addition to the page title, meta description and URL, a SERP can also contain other relevant elements such as services, opening hours, inventory, reviews, prices, FAQ, etc. This can help ensure that a SERP creates value for potential customers even before they have clicked through to a website.

However, you need to work with so-called structured data if you want to include such elements in your SERP. In short, structured data is a piece of code that you can implement on a website.

Example of SERP optimization
At Amplify, for example, we have added a FAQ script on our landing page about our service as a Google Ads agency.

If you're still on the fence but want to know more, read my colleague's post on structured data. You are also welcome to contact us if you want SEO advice.

Speed optimization is important

You shouldn't expect to rank high in search results if your website loads at the speed of a 56k modem from the mid-1990s - quite the opposite. Google knows that people are impatient online and therefore doesn't give slow websites good rankings.

Remember, Google will always prioritize a good user experience. Make sure you have the most optimal hosting solution and remove heavy images that affect website speed. 

You could argue that speed optimization belongs under both on-page SEO and technical SEO.

Your website must be responsive

Today, there are so many ways to access a website, so it's important that your website is responsive. Your website should be user-friendly on all platforms - whether the user is using a PC, phone or tablet.

The majority of Danes use their phones when they search the web. Therefore, a website can be nice and fast when loaded on a PC. But if it's not also responsive on mobile and tablet, you're unlikely to make friends with Google and other search engines.

Just as it was mentioned with speed optimization, this area also touches on technical SEO.

Get help with on-page SEO

Do you need help with on-page SEO from an SEO specialist? Then feel free to contact me or one of my colleagues. Call 70 60 50 28, send an email to or fill out our contact form today. 

FAQ - on-page SEO

On-page SEO is the part of search engine optimization that takes place on the website itself. This includes internal link building, well-written copywriting, SERP optimization and speed optimization.

A page title is an HTML tag used to indicate the title of a page. The title appears in search results and should tell the user what they can expect to read on the page.

A meta description is a short text that appears in search results under the title. The meta description should give potential visitors an idea of what the page is about.

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