Amplify is a social media agency with a strategic focus

Snapchat advertising

Do you sell a product or service that appeals to a younger audience? Then Snapchat advertising could be right for you and your business. 

At Amplify, our social media specialists make sure you get the most out of Snapchat Ads. 

Advertising to the younger audience

The digital world is constantly evolving and communication is characterized by brevity and speed. These are precisely the factors that characterize the application Snapchat, which launched its snap-chat-delete concept in 2011. The latest addition to social media quickly caught the attention of users, giving Snapchat a solid position among popular platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Today, Snapchat has around 238 million active users worldwide who use the platform daily to send pictures and videos to other users. The high number of active users has also attracted the attention of companies that see the potential of advertising on Snapchat. If you haven't yet ventured into the commercial side of Snapchat, or if you could do with a refresher on the many possibilities the app offers, here's a sharp introduction to the medium and its many possibilities.

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Communicating and sharing images

Snap. Chat. In 2011, a revolutionary yet simple concept was introduced to the digital world. While the other media that ruled the digital world were based on letting the user leave a digital footprint, Snapchat was based on being able to quickly disappear again. In seconds, the user can share an image with other users - once the image is opened, however, it disappears again automatically. Fast and efficient.

It was the time-limited feature in particular that made Snapchat a popular medium for communication, which has also resulted in as many as 40% of Danes having a profile on the application. To emphasize the popularity of the medium, Snapchat has been in the top 4 of the most used social media in Denmark since 2019 with 46% of active users using the app daily. As many as 71% of 15-25 year olds are active on Snapchat, while 54% of 26-35 year olds are also on the medium. The high percentage of users on the medium makes Snapchat an interesting platform for advertisers.

Why your business should advertise on Snapchat

Besides the high number of daily users of the medium, there are plenty of good reasons why your business should advertise on Snapchat. The medium's concept of fast communication also means that users open the application an average of 25 times a day with a total time consumption of 30 minutes. The platform's user base is broad and varied, which makes it particularly relevant for top-funnel advertising, which is all about creating brand and product awareness. Advertisers have the opportunity to reach a wide audience several times a day.

A relevant point to note is that more than 60% of all videos played on Snapchat are played with sound. If that doesn't sound like a significant fact, we can tell you that up to 85% of videos on Facebook are played without sound - which can end up removing an essential part of the ad.

Benefits of advertising on Snapchat

There are a number of good reasons why your company should include Snapchat as part of your marketing strategy. Another benefit of using Snapchat advertising is that the medium allows you to achieve a wide range of measurable results:

  • More mobile app installs
  • Increased website traffic
  • Increased brand awareness and
  • user engagement
  • More conversions
  • Lead generation.

Once you have chosen an objective, Snapchat will then help you achieve it by optimizing for user interaction with it. It is therefore also important that you have set the objective for your campaign before you create it.

Maj creates content for social media

Ad formats on Snapchat

There are several different types of ad types, formats and campaigns that can appear on users' stories as well as on the Discover feature.

There are four main ad formats on Snapchat - Snap Ads, Story Ads, Collection Ads, and filters and sponsored lenses.

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Track your ads with Snapchat Pixel

Like other media, Snapchat offers a pixel, which is a piece of code you insert on your website. The pixel makes it possible to track user behavior after they have seen your ad. You can then create custom audiences as well as lookalike groups, which consist of users outside your segment but with similar digital behavior. You can insert the Snapchat pixel on your website before you start advertising to track user interaction with the campaign from the very first encounter.

Get your social media marketing off to a safe start

Need advice or want to outsource your social media marketing to a specialist?

At Amplify, we're ready to help you succeed on social media - from Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat.

Does your company think long-term and understand that one-off hourly tasks are not a shortcut to social media success? Then Amplify could be your next social media agency.

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Even after 13 years in the field, Snapchat is an interesting platform that stands out from mainstream social media. The app gives businesses a unique opportunity to reach a wide range of users on a daily basis, making it an interesting medium to include in your marketing strategy.

At Amplify, we understand that a cohesive marketing strategy is necessary to create a lasting impression.

That's why we integrate tailored social media strategies as a natural part of a larger strategy that strengthens your position across all channels. 

Contact us today and let our campaign managers and content creators help you reach your target audience on the right social channels.

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Getting started with Snapchat

We're ready to help you analyze what it takes to get the most out of your Snapchat advertising. We have experience in all forms of social media marketing and are ready to help you. Use the contact form if you want to learn more.

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