Semantic SEO - how to make SEO for humans instead of machines

Semantic SEO...

What is this size? Why do you need to know it if you want to rank at the top of Google? And how do you do it in practice?

I go into that in depth in this blog post.

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What is semantic SEO?

To understand semantic SEO, you first need to know about SEO aka search engine optimization. If you don't already, read about SEO here first and come back to this post afterwards.

Okay, let's take a quick dive into semantics - and not least semantic SEO.

In short, semantics means 'the meaning behind language'. Without getting too deep into the conventional guidelines of the Danish language, it's still very good to understand the basic meaning behind 'semantics' before you venture into semantic SEO.

Semantics looks at the content behind the meaning of words and phrases. Putting this knowledge into SEO perspective, semantic SEO is basically about writing content based on topics rather than traditional keywords.

When writing content for your website, you need to think about the context behind the words you use in the content; you need to look at the relationship between your keywords and not just cram a bunch of relevant keywords into your text (as used to be done in the past) - the "classic" approach to writing SEO texts.

If you're still not quite on the semantic SEO bandwagon, I'll hold your hand with the following guide.

1. Understand the search intent

When your target audience searches on Google, they have a purpose for their search; also called 'Search Intent'. They are looking for answers to something specific. Keeping this in mind when writing content for your site is the smartest move you can make, as a match between the user's search intent and the content on your website is the way to Google's heart. In other words, it gives your website much better rankings on search results.

A user's search intent depends heavily on where they are in the customer journey. Are they seeking information? Are they buying a product? Finding a service or the best solution to meet their needs?

In other words: What is their search intent?

There are four types of search intent: informational search, commercial exploratory search, transactional search and navigational search. I've written a blog post about these, which you might want to read.

2. Think topics - not just keywords

I've mentioned this before, but I'll remind you again. Semantic SEO is all about thinking in topics; however, don't forget your keywords!

The Google algorithm's ability to understand website content means that your chosen keywords may not appear in all search results, even if they revolve around the same search intent. So you need to consider what your keywords are actually about before you use them in your content.

Another side of the coin is that the algorithm's understanding of your content can let you rank for keywords that you don't actually use on your website. This is because Google believes that your topics and content are actually the same as the Googled keyword's related topics and content. That's pretty cool!

It also gives you more freedom to think in terms of topics instead of keywords. This way, you can also deliver more complete and useful content to your visitors, which can ultimately lead to a conversion or your visitors returning for more information.

3. Know your target audience

You probably thought about who your target audience is when you started your business. And you need to keep those audiences in mind when writing content for your website.

Different audiences use different words and concepts for topics that are relevant to them. This means you need to put yourself in your audience's position and make sure you use the same words they would use in their Google search.

Now that the algorithm has a greater semantic understanding of your texts and can therefore understand your content, it can also assess whether you are expressing yourself in the eyes of the reader. Google has become adept at knowing its audience based on their "way" of searching, so it also pays attention to whether you write your content in their "way".

For example, if your target audience is makeup artists, it's important that you write "blush" instead of "cheek red" or "the red that gives you color on your cheeks" as this is not a correct term in the professional makeup artist world.

You run the risk that the algorithm decides that you don't express yourself in the eyes of the reader and therefore can't deliver what the user is looking for. Ultimately, you won't be visible on otherwise relevant searches and you'll miss out on traffic from your target audience.

Even worse, incorrect wording can have a negative effect on your bounce rate (and therefore your Google ranking) if the reader gets annoyed and leaves your page because you don't have relevant content in their eyes due to incorrect wording in relation to what you deliver.

Incorporate semantic SEO knowledge into your content strategy if you want to rank higher on Google
Incorporate your knowledge of semantic SEO into your content strategy

Get help making your SEO work semantic!

Do you want to dive into semantic SEO and get your website to rank - without being stuffed with unnecessary keywords?

Contact me or one of my colleagues at Amplify via 70 60 50 28 or for help with SEO.

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