Anchor links

Discover the secret to smooth website navigation - anchor links! Learn how these smart links make it a breeze to jump to the most exciting content on your page without scrolling through everything.


What are anchor links?

Imagine your website is like a book with many chapters. Anchor links are like bookmarks that help you jump straight to the interesting places in the book - without having to flip through every single page.

Similarly, anchor links allow you to click on a specific text or image on a website to be immediately taken to the part of the page that contains more information about what you are interested in. It's a bit like tapping a bookmark in a physical book to jump to the right page instead of reading everything from the beginning.

Anchor links are typically placed in a table of contents at the top of a website, allowing users to jump directly to relevant content. Alternatively, anchor links can also be placed in conjunction with a "To Top" button, allowing the user to jump to the top of the page in a snap.

Anchor links

Why use anchor links?

First of all, anchor links allow you to guide your readers to the most relevant sections without forcing them to scroll through all content. It improves the user experience by providing quick access to exactly what they are searching for. This is especially useful on longer pages or articles where readers want to jump straight to specific information.

It can also strengthen your presence on Google and improve your SEO - if you're lucky. Google can display your anchor links in search results, either below your page's meta description or at the beginning of your meta description as a "Jump to" link.

How to create anchor links...

To create an anchor link, there are two things you need to think about:

  1. Linket selv: Dette er selve stien. Det er den tekst, der gør dig i stand til at klikke på noget og komme til det ønskede sted på siden. Her er et eksempel: <a href=”#unik-id”>Klik her</a>. “Klik her” er linkteksten, og #unik-id fortæller, hvor stien skal føre dig hen.
  2. Stedet, du går til: Dette er det ønskede sted på siden. Tænk på det som et specielt mærke på en side. For at gøre dette, brug dette kodestykke: <h2 id=”unik-id”>Overskrift</h2>. “unik-id” er som et særligt navn for det spændende sted.

When you use these two parts together, you can create a path that takes you directly to what you want to see. But remember, each path must have its own special name, just like each chapter in a book. You can use common words or numbers as names, but they can't be the same on the same page. It's like having different names for different people so we know who's who.

What is a good anchor link?

When creating an anchor link, it's important to choose the right words for your anchor text. Why is this important? Because the words you choose are like a hint to others about what they will find when they click on the link.

A good anchor text is simple but descriptive. It clearly tells what's waiting behind the link so people know what to expect. Don't use boring or generic words like "Click here" or "Read more". Instead, use specific words or a small phrase that describes the content.

For example, if you want to take people to a recipe for chocolate cake, "Easy recipe for delicious chocolate cake" is a good anchor text. It gives an idea of what you'll find when you click. A bad anchor text like "Click here" gives no clue about the content and makes it harder for both humans and search engines to understand what the link is about.

So remember that a good anchor text is like a friendly guide to show where in the "book to turn to". Use clear words that make sense and help people find what they are looking for on your website.

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